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How to build a DIY stage Lyrics Prompter

Having a  stage prompter will change how you do gigs as a solo  musician. I have built the best lyrics prompter software which also plays backing tracks and have also built a custom stage prompter that I use at gigs each week.

There is no hard and fast rules for building a DIY lyrics prompter but just having lyrics on screen is not the best solution. Using Baraoke, you will be able to use your DIY lyrics and stage prompter to play backing tracks which scrolling the lyrics to any and every song.

As you can see from the photo, my custom built lyrics prompter is built to look like a floor monitor although I sit it on a small table ( i don't like it on the floor). My DIY stage prompter uses a lenovo thinkcenter with a micro wireless keyboard. This means that the only cable is the power cable coming out the back. I also use multi connecting cables so that there is only a single power input to the whole system.

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